Horne Street School Health Office

Welcome to the Health Office!

School Nurse : Leah Vawter

[email protected]

Health Office Phone Number : 603-516-6795

Health Office Fax : 603-516-6766


Here you will find some information on how we can ensure any care provided to your child while at school is delivered safely and in compliance with state regulations and healthcare laws.

Physical Exam and Immunizations

Upon entrance to school, children are required to have up-to-date immunizations and a current physical exam (within the past year) per the State of New Hampshire. Please obtain these documents from your child’s healthcare provider and deliver to the school prior to the first day of school. You may give your provider the school physical exam form linked below or your provider may use their own form. Religious exemption form for immunizations is linked below if necessary.



Over the counter medications

If your child may require over the counter medication during school, the parent/guardian must sign a medication authorization form. Signed forms and medications can be brought in to the health office.


Prescription Medications

Medication must be in a pharmacy labeled bottle with the student’s name & correct dosage, and contain only enough medication for one (1) month. Medication must be brought-in by a responsible adult. A written letter by your child's doctor which includes student's name, date of the order, the name and signature of prescriber and contact numbers, medication name, route and dosage of medication, diagnosis (if not a violation of confidentiality), directions/ frequency and time of administration, and possible side effects must accompany the prescription. A form is available on line for this purpose (linked below). Please ask the pharmacy to divide the medication into two bottles, one for home and one for school. 


Your child needs an EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN at school. These emergency plans are the tools needed to keep your child healthy.  Each school year a new plan is required. The plan must be signed by both the parent/guardian and the Health Care Provider. Forms must be completed and brought into the health office (along with any required medications) before the first day of school. Links to blank Emergency Action Plans are provided below.

Please reach out anytime with any concerns regarding your child's health and wellness. I am always happy to discuss any health concerns or needs. Thank you for your help in obtaining all necessary documentation to keep your child healthy!


Leah Vawter, RN